The Norwich Historical Society’s mission is to preserve, protect and promote the rich history of Norwich, CT. One of the ways we carry out our mission is by advocating for the preservation of our historic resources. Advocating for the historic preservation of Norwich’s past is a core organizational priority and will ensure that the community’s fragile antiquity is saved for posterity. NHS will help share and preserve Norwich’s rich history through education, information, and advocacy. NHS hopes to be known and recognized throughout the city as an advocate for historic preservation and as a leader in promoting heritage tourism whose efforts help to celebrate local history while bringing people and organizations together.
Historic Preservation has numerous economic benefits, such as increasing property values, improving resident’s quality of life, enhancing heritage tourism within a community, and encouraging downtown revitalization. Further, adaptive reuse of a historic structure is more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Historic Preservation attracts investment, enhances arts and culture across the region, and contributes to economic development. By collaborating with community stakeholders and city leaders, the Norwich Historical Society prides itself on being a leader in advocating for Norwich’s historic assets and encouraging Historic Preservation within the city.