Monday was supposed to be the date of our annual meeting and volunteer appreciation reception, but in light of this unprecedented public health crisis, we have decided to postpone our event to a future date to be determined. We hope everyone stays safe and adheres to the CDC’s recommendations during this difficult time.

In lieu of our annual meeting, I’d like to take this opportunity to tell everyone about the exciting initiatives Norwich Historical Society worked on this past year.

    • We participated as a member of the Uncas Leap Steering Committee.
    • Our wonderful volunteers staffed the Norwich Heritage & Regional Visitors’ Center in the circa 1783 Dr. Daniel Lathrop Schoolhouse, which served over 1,000 visitors in 2019. Further, the Visitors’ Center was open for community events such as the Greater Norwich Area Chamber of Commerce’s Rock the Greens.
    • We coordinated numerous restoration projects on historic properties throughout the City of Norwich.
    • We are a resource for the public on preservation and Norwich’s rich history.
    • We continued our ongoing “Walk Norwich” effort to develop and promote walking trails along historic routes throughout the City of Norwich.
    • We continued to advocate for Norwich’s historic resources.
    • We provided enriching programming for the community such as our Second Saturday Tours, Walktober and our popular Antient Ghosts of Norwich Tour.

Thank you to our numerous volunteers who staffed the Visitors’ Center, hosted walking tours and helped with events; we appreciate all of you very much and we look forward to properly celebrating you in the near future.

In addition to continuing our 2019 programs and partnerships, we have some very exciting 2020 initiatives coming up such as:

    • Continuing our partnership with the Society of the Founders of Norwich to restore the circa 1772 Joseph Carpenter Silversmith Shop and the circa 1763 David Greenleaf House. The restoration of these properties is a part of a larger partnership formed by the Society of the Founders of Norwich and the Norwich Historical Society to improve upon existing heritage tourism sites in Norwich.
    • NHS is creating a business plan with the help of a consultant to strategize and implement ways to make the City of Norwich a heritage tourism destination.
    • We will host an event promoting the completion of the Walk Norwich Freedom Trail and Millionaires’ Triangle once the interpretive signs are installed by Norwich Public Works.
    • The Mohegan Tribe’s Archaeology Department is performing an archaeological survey at the David Greenleaf House this June and we will have a Public Outreach Day on Saturday June 6 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. More details to come shortly.
    • In the fall, the society is partnering with the Norwich Branch of the NAACP to present a program on the Norwich Freedom Trail to middle school students in Norwich.
    • We are coordinating Norwich Heritage Day on the Norwichtown Green. Save the date for Oct. 3 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

We look forward to providing our friends and members with another year packed with enriching events, plus continuing our mission to preserve, protect, and promote Norwich’s rich history. We cannot continue without your help; we welcome new members all year round and we hope you consider joining us. For more information about membership levels, please visit our website at

Historically Speaking, which appears on Mondays, presents short historical stories. Regan Miner is the executive director of the Norwich Historical Society.